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The Spirit of Beta Chapter Is Alive & Well

Greetings Brothers. As we end 2023, the holidays allow for a time to look back and look forward at the same time. Quite frankly, we could not be more excited about the future!

Looking back, we have concluded what could easily be called the five toughest years of the chapter’s history.  After the various sanctions we have discussed all too often dating back to late 2018, playing out through spring of 2019, took our Chapter to near extinction we have survived to stage another comeback.  There have been other challenges faced in this period, such as declining University enrollment and continued deemphasis of the Greek system as an important and vital part of Truman Life.  During this period, the campus has seen multiple other Fraternities at Truman close up shop.

In spite of it all, they couldn’t break our spirit!  Amid all this negativity, we celebrated our 100-year anniversary and we continue to be on campus with a new sense of vigor. We will continue to be successful because our souls cannot, and will not be broken.

So, what does this mean for the future?  We have a lot to be proud of.  The current chapter refuses to be beaten.  In the Fall of 2022, there were only 7 active members and 2 were graduating.  Today, we have 21 members with 4 graduating in May 2024.  We expect the current, outsized fraternity house to sell in the next year and we are committed to finding a new house that is right sized for the future.  Simply put, the current house is just too big for the Undergraduate Chapter of today and even looking forward opportunistically. We should come out of this transaction with left-over money, allowing us to find this more appropriate future home.  And finally, we have a new campus advisor and have high expectations that the group will work to achieve even more success.

Thank you for all that you have done to help us in the past.  We know that in spite of the lack of local direction, there have been many of you who have engaged with the Beta Alumni Association to get updates and voice your opinions.   We wish you and your families Happy Holidays and much health and happiness. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the board members with questions, comments, or suggestions.  We encourage you to continue your involvement in ways that are comfortable for you and ask that you continue to support the chapter by paying you yearly dues and continuing to make donations to the B.A.A.  

Dues can be paid by using this link:       

Donations can be made by using this link:      

Brotherly, Your Beta Alumni Association of Sigma Tau Gamma

Wilson (F ’88) or


Steve Elefson (S 77)


Joe Kraichely (S’88)


Dave Waldman (F ’80)


James Robinson


Brad Beard


Dale Race

Lloyd Cleaver

Chad Wolbers





Dues payments of $35.00 per year can be paid via PayPal following the Donate link above or by sending a check to: Beta Alumni Association, P.O. Box 686, Kirksville, MO 63501.

Sigma Tau Gamma - Beta Alumni
P.O. Box 686
Kirksville, MO 63501

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